i-am-albie: So I just had to join in on the Hawkeye Initiative...
I AM MEANT TO BE A GIFi-am-albie:So I just had to join in on the Hawkeye Initiative bandwagon, it’s just so… full of empowerment.And then I went totally overboard.Even gave them suggestive captions.I...
View ArticleI honestly dont know how a fan can even speak when they meet their favorite...
wabbitwanderer95:imjohnlocked:lokis-army-at-221b:I honestly wouldnt be able to breathe and just sit there like“it’s him”Very high pitched and infrequently…Aaaaaaaaaand… if that persons sees me, I just...
View Articletunetechgoghead: scribbles5thm: iamdeltak: blasianxbri: super...
tunetechgoghead:scribbles5thm:iamdeltak:blasianxbri:superblys:opaul:neraiutsuze:sassygaybabies:pizzaforpresident:sierrakushterbeck:THIS COMMERICAL TAKES LIKE THE BIGGEST TURN FOR THE WORST EVER AND I...
View Articlebuzzfeed: Yesterday, we hired Grumpy Cat as an editor and then...
buzzfeed:Yesterday, we hired Grumpy Cat as an editor and then we had an Employee Of The Month party for her, but she wasn’t really into it.
View Articlethehawkeyeinitiative:...
thehawkeyeinitiative:http://dontplaywithme.tumblr.com/post/37226580046/my-brother-is-a-fan-of-the-hawkeye-initiativenot exactly clint but.Tumblr men! :D
View ArticleNeil’s Puppet Dreams with Nathan Fillion. (x) Guys! You...
Neil’s Puppet Dreams with Nathan Fillion. (x)Guys! You are killing me!!! :D
View ArticleOk, I have to admit it… i’m Grumpy cat crazy :D
Ok, I have to admit it… i’m Grumpy cat crazy :D
View Articleforgetaboutnormal: badwolfwench: vilenilla: Doctor: Once we...
forgetaboutnormal:badwolfwench:vilenilla:Doctor: Once we know what’s coming, it’s fixed.Amy: Time can be rewritten.Doctor: Not once you’ve read it. Once we know what’s coming, it’s written in...
View Articlewinterghosts: seriously that view. THAT VIEW GUYS. Je crois...
winterghosts:seriously that view. THAT VIEW GUYS.Je crois sincèrement que je me serais évanouie…
View ArticleLes Filles Qui S'appellent Valérie
Les filles qui s’appellent ValérieSont nées sous Georges PompidouLeurs parents étaient si sexysTailleurs marrons et sous-pulls rouxElles ont coulés des jours jolisEntre la maison et l’écoleElles...
View Articlejohn-wheatson: 409inyoucoffeemaker: Which one is the real...
john-wheatson:409inyoucoffeemaker:Which one is the real Martin?NEVER GETS OLD
View Articlejesuisbetejesuispatissiere: Parce que je continue à les aimer...
jesuisbetejesuispatissiere:Parce que je continue à les aimer d’amour!Ceci est mon testamentTu verras qu’au fond je n’pars pas vraimentCeci est mon testamentJe reste avec toi pour longtempsCeci est mon...
View Articlecasinpanties: 14 EXTRA SECONDS OF OH //////F U C K////// His...
casinpanties:14 EXTRA SECONDS OF OH //////F U C K//////His voice! HIS VOICE!!!!
View Articlegailsimone: corgisandboobs: ajc804: shortformblog: michaelhay...
gailsimone:corgisandboobs:ajc804:shortformblog:michaelhayes:This is great. Houston Texan Andre Johnson’s receipts for $19K he spent on Xmas gifts for kids in Child Protective Services.That is the best...
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